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As a WildFish supporter you receive:

  1. Online access to manage your account with us.
  2. Regular updates about our work and how your support is helping.
  3. Third-party liability insurance while fishing (for individuals) from Lycetts.


Why we need your help

The proceeds from your donation are not restricted to a particular project. This means you can be sure your contribution is going to where it is needed most.

Declining freshwater populations

  • Globally, freshwater species are declining more rapidly than any other.
  • In the UK,13% of species face risk of extinction.
  • Atlantic salmon populations have declined from 8-10m in the 1970s to just 3m today

Impact in climate change

  • Parts of England are projected to run out of water in the next 20 years.
  • The UK’s total water supply forecast is expected to drop 7% by 2045.

Increasing water demand

  • An extra 222,400 million cubic meters (per year) is needed to meet expected population growth by the 2050s.
  • On average, a person in the UK uses 150 litres of water a day. Residents of Copenhagen use less than 110 litres per day.

Declining ecology

  • Only 16% of English rivers meet a good ecological status.
  • Not a single English river, lake, estuary or coastal water is in overall ‘good’ health.

How we spend your money

We work hard to keep UK waters wild without the use of public money. Every bit of our success is a product of your passion and support.



Your money helps us to understand the health of fresh water around the UK. Armed with data and results we can help local groups target efforts to protect and restore rivers.



Everything we do is grounded in evidence. Your support allows us to ensure our campaigns are led by the latest science and the law.



Your support funds the work of our dedicated team who campaign to reverse the decline of fresh water and wild fish populations.