Scottish Sea Lice Statistics: updated with latest available data from Scottish Government

Has Scottish Government done anything this week to limit the impact of sea lice on wild fish?

In the event that a farm is registering very high sea lice levels the Scottish government can take certain actions, such as issuing an advisory letter to the farm in question.

Week 1:

The Scottish Government have not taken any action this week.

Farms breaching the industry's own sea lice limits:

Farms in breach of Scottish gov sea lice limits:


Farms above 2 sea lice per fish


Farms above 6 sea lice per fish

Company with the highest average sea lice levels this week:

Farms in operation
Company Name Kames Fish Farming Ltd

Farms not providing an average sea lice value:

Active farms providing "No Count"
Worst offending company Mowi Scotland Ltd

Farm with highest sea lice (average per fish)

Farm name Loch Alsh (Sron)
Farm company Mowi Scotland Ltd
Location Skye
Lice Number 7.2 adult sea lice per fish
District Salmon Fisheries Board* SKYE

*District Salmon Fisheries Board’s are statutory bodies tasked with protecting and enhancing stocks of salmon and sea trout within their districts.

What does this figure mean?

Farm with highest sea lice levels (average per fish):

This figure shows the highest self-reported values of average sea lice per fish from the last reported week of data from farmers. There is no consistent methodology for how to record this value, and it is likely to be an underestimate based on testing of other self-reporting sea lice schemes.

Proportion of farms in breach of CoGP:

The industry sets out a standard for acceptable sea lice levels in the Code of Good Practice (CoGP). These change throughout the year and are not the same as the Scottish governments reporting thresholds. The above values are based on the reported values of average sea lice per fish exceeding the acceptable threshold set out in the CoGP. The limits are as follows:

Sensitive period (1st February to 30th June): 0.5 adult sea female sea lice per fish

Non-sensitive period (1st July to 31st January): 1.0 adult sea female sea lice per fish

Farms in breach of Scottish Government lice limits:

The Scottish government sets a much higher threshold for action than the industry standard. The Scottish government requires a higher level of surveillance by the Fish Health Inspectorate at 2.0 adult female lice (AF) per fish, and potential for action (advisory letters or enforcement undertakings) if a level above 6.0 adult female lice (AF) per fish is maintained.

Company with the highest average lice levels:

The mean value of average lice across all the farms of each business based on the above reported average sea lice values on each farm for the last reported week.

Farms not providing an average sea lice count:

The number of active farms failing to provide a numerical average weekly sea lice count, instead reporting  “No count”. Common reasons used to justify this include “Withdrawal period prior to harvesting”, “Veterinary Advice”, “Site recently stocked” and “Broodstock visually inspected”.

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