
SmartRivers: spring roundup

2 minute read Lauren Harley
  • Wildfish
  • Wildfish
  • Wildfish
  • Wildfish
SmartRivers volunteers sample aquatic invertebrates as indicators of water quality.

Thank you volunteers for another brilliant season.

The highest level of invertebrate citizen science monitoring is not easy. The coverage SmartRivers has achieved this spring is a testament to the dedication of our incredible volunteer force. This season has seen up to 60 rivers receiving the bespoke monitoring regulators cannot provide – taking the project total up to 104 rivers.

New hub training took place in England and Wales on the banks of the upper Test, Don, Ouseburn, Yealm and Teith in Scotland. Our trainers were on top form as usual!

We even had some four legged recruits!

Why your local organisation should set up a SmartRivers hub:

Make history – Profile invertebrate diversity now, to obtain the best historical benchmarks and ensure future generations aren’t guessing what was in the rivers.

Measure impact – Get detailed pre and post monitoring for any interventions you’re planning to make in and around rivers.

Get scores – Assess water quality where it matters to you. Obtain health scorecards for sites of your groups choosing, based on the foundation of the river food web.


To learn more visit the SmartRivers project page, or drop us a line at smartrivers@wildfish.org

By: Lauren Harley
SmartRivers Project Manager
SmartRivers: spring roundup - Wildfish
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